In a future where highly evolved robots and humans live together, the world’s greatest robots are being destroyed by someone, one after the other. At the same time, serial murders of people with a connection to robots are occurring as well.
A robot inspector named Gesicht is assigned to these cases and notices some similarities between the murders of robots and humans. All the robots killed were part of the Peace Corps that fought and defeated the Persian robot army during the 39th Central Asian Conflict. As for the humans, they were all members of the Bora Survey Group, a group that investigated whether Persia had robots for mass destruction before the conflict.
To make things worse, Gesicht himself is one of the 7 robots that were part of the Peace Corps… In the midst of the confusion, the ringleader of the murders, “Pluto”, shows itself.
The destruction, sacrifice, then hatred, the serious imagined sceneries of humans and robots are expressed through the detailed design of ceramics.